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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


What do I do if...                                                                  


...my child is late for school?          

Make sure that you register your child at the front office when you arrive in school and that school meal requirements are noted.                          


.....I've been unavoidably delayed and may be late picking my child up from school?       

Don't panic! If you have not arrived by the end of the school day your child will be supervised until you arrive. Please ring the school as soon as you know you will be late.


 .....my child is not well enough to come to school?

If your child is not well enough to attend school please ring the school office by 10:00 am on the first morning of absence. 


 .....my child was sick/had diarrhoea in the night?

Sickness and diahrroea are extremely infectious. The 48 hour rule applies. The advice of the Health Protection Agency is that your child should be kept away from school for 48 hours after the last bout of vomiting or diahrroea. Remind your child about the importance of handwashing and show him/her how to do it properly. Please ring the school office by 10:00 am on the first morning of absence.                  


 .....it snowed in the night and I'm not sure if the school will be open?

Listen to local radio reports and check the website.  Make sure that you have given the school your email address so that we can inform you through School Gateway.    Find out more in the school policy Closure due to Unforeseen Circumstances.


 .....I have a particular concern about my child?

Westborough teachers are very approachable and want the best for your child. Try to see your child's class teacher at the END of the day. The beginning of the day is very busy, lessons begin straight away.


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Are there other questions you think could be answered on this page?   If so please go to the 'Contact Us' menu link above where you can comment and make any suggestions.   

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