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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School

Closure of the School due to Unforeseen Circumstances/Adverse Weather

It is the policy of the school to make every effort to remain open whenever possible. The Headteacher will make the decision to close the school if unforeseen circumstances/adverse weather conditions make it impossible for pupils or staff to either work in the school building or make their way to the school building.


The school will only be closed if one or more of the following conditions apply:

  1. Insufficient staff are able to come in to keep the school running safely. 
  2. Conditions on site are dangerous
  3. Conditions in the local area are dangerous
  4. Conditions are considered to be or are anticipated to later become too hazardous for travel.


Informing Staff and Parents

The school will make all practicable efforts to keep parents informed as to the situation with the school during adverse weather conditions, as we appreciate that such conditions and the uncertainty places very considerable difficulties upon parents.


Message to your iPhone, iPad or Android

Parents who have given the school their details will be informed by text or email via the Schoolgateway app.  There will also be information on the school website.


Message on the School Website

A message will be displayed boldly on the home page of the school website which can be accessed at the following address: www.thewestboroughschool.co.uk


Message on the Parents and Teachers Facebook page.

The administrators will put a message on the Facebook page as early as possible.


Telephone ‘grapevine’.  

 A ‘chain link’ of telephone calls has been organised for emergencies.  As many staff and parents as possible will be contacted.



The school asks parents to check their messages/emails and the school website and Facebook page  when it is clear that a closure is a possibility.


Notices on the school building.

It may be possible to post notices on the school railings before the start of the school day.

Unaccompanied children

At least one member of staff will be available in or near the school building to ensure that no child is left unaccompanied.


The Headteacher will inform the SEEAT CEO and Chair of Governors as soon as possible.


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