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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School

Safeguarding and Community

Our Safeguarding Policy can be downloaded/read HERE.

Keeping Children Safe in Education 2023 (KCSE) is statutory guidance for schools and colleges and can be downloaded/read HERE.

Our Designated Safeguarding Lead is Deputy Headteacher Mrs Doucy

Our Designated Safeguarding Governor is Kamran Khan

The Westborough School Early Help Offer

Please see the document below relating to the Southend On Sea Borough Council Early Help Offer.

southend sspc threshold guidance 344938453.pdf



Staff and Governor training

Our Headteacher and Deputy Headteacher have Level 3 Safeguarding Training

All Westborough staff have completed Safeguarding Training and receive regular training updates

All Westborough governors have completed Safeguarding Training and receive regular training updates.  Our Community Link governor has Level 3 Safeguarding Training


Safeguarding and School Assemblies

 In Assembly time we look at different themes that will help us make the right choices, in life and at school.  We know that there are always adults that are ready to listen, help and repair with us.


 Assembly Themes - 2024-25

Meet Ted Bear in Year 3 and below.

Ted Bear and his sister Tina attend The Westbear School in Bear land. Ted Bear tries really hard to make the right choices but sometimes he just gets it wrong. Fortunately with the help of his friends Andrew and James and Miss Brook-Bear and Miss Forbsey-Bear he learns to make good choices – most of the time!

 Ted Bear and the Day Off. Ted Bear pretends to be ill to have the day off school and is really really bored. Meanwhile Tina and their friends had the best day ever!

Ted Bear and the Dining Hall. Ted Bear makes some really wrong choices including throwing a sausage! Julie Bear shows him the right way to behave and helps him become a lunch monitor.

Ted Bear in the Playground. Ted Bear falls out with his friends and breaks the school rules – Ready, Respectful and Safe. Everyone was cross. Miss Forbsey Bear helped him repair with his friends.

Ted Bear and the Internet. Ted Bear used mum’s phone and looked up some things he wasn’t allowed to. He told his friends  at lunch time and they told Miss Forbsey Bear. Miss Forbsey Bear and Mum put some rules in place.

Ted Bear and the Stranger Ted Bear gets lost in the Big Tescos and a stranger finds him and promises to take him to mum. But she is not as nice as she seems….


Ted Bear and the Sad Day – Mental Health Ted Bear has woken up feeling blue – his heart and his head just feel sad. Everyone tries to cheer him up. Mummy explains its ok to feel sad and he can tell an adult just like when he has a stomach ache or a sore throat.

Ted Bear and the S.T.O.P rule. – A new bear starts at Westbear School and Ted Bear is jealous of him. He does some mean things Several Times On Purpose. Miss Forbsey Bear tells him this needs to STOP and helps him repair.

Ted Bear and the Cinema. Ted Bear and his class were going on a trip. Everything was going great until Ted Bear went to the toilet on his own. Where was he ? Had he remembered the safe stranger rules? And would Miss Forbsey Bear find him?

Ted Bear and the New Bear  - A new bear starts and she has bright blue fur! Ted isn’t sure. Can he be friends with a bear with blue fur?

Ted Bear and the Busy Road. Ted bear had scootered ahead. Mum and Tina were MILES behind. Did he dare cross the busy road on his own? He knew all the rules … didn’t he? 

Ted Bear and the Nativity Ted Bear is a narrator and has loads of words to say – he is very important. But will he have the confidence to do it. His stomach really hurts…

Ted Bear and the very Bad Mood. Ted bear is cross and being rude to everyone. When he is rude to Miss Forbsey Bear  - Miss Brook Bear gets involved!

Ted Bear and Holiday club. Ted meets a girl in a wheelchair she is very competitive just like him but she can’t be better than Ted can she?

Ted Bear Learns about Tolerance. Miss Forbsey Bear was teaching British Values . Ted had ever heard of the word Tolerance before but as the day goes on he realises he has a bit to learn!

Ted Bear and Jamesie Break the Rules. The sports council had made very important football rules for break times. Everyone wanted to play so it had to be fair and everyone had agreed. What would happen if the bears decided to stop following the rules?

In Years 4, 5 and 6

School Rules – Ready, Respectful and Safe. What do these mean and why do need them?

Attendance – Life chances and resilience. What difference does it make in our school life if we have 95% attendance? How do we become resilient?

Online safety – How do we keep ourselves safe online? Why do we need to keep ourselves safe? What do we do if we know something isn’t right?

Behaviour  - Respect. How should we behave towards each other? Are we bystanders or up-standers?

Online Bulllying – What does it look like at our age? What should we be doing? Is it ok to leave a chat or a group?

Mental Health – What happens when our heads and hearts feel sad and we don’t know why? What can we do ? Who should we talk to? What is the difference between mental and Physical health?

Revisit School Rules – Ready Respectful and Safe. Why do we need to follow these?

STOP rule  – and bullying. Are we upstanders or bystanders?

Racism – Following some slogans being written on the mosque next door. Reminder about what is Racism? When do we call it out? What is happening in the world today?

Independence – Road safety. What are the risks? Mobile phones? What do we do with them when we are walking along?

Child Criminal Exploitation – What does this mean ? What Christmas films have we seen this in?

Diversity – Looking at the diversity between us and discussing some of the neuro diverse conditions that we know, have or recognise.

Tolerance as part of British values

Rules and Democracy – what does that mean for us ?


Useful links:

Food Bank   https://southend.foodbank.org.uk/


Food Club https://www.family-action.org.uk/what-we-do/children-families/food-club/


Bibs and Bobs Baby Bank https://www.southendfamilycentres.co.uk/family-support/support-services/1


Citizens Advice https://www.citizensadvicesouthend.org.uk/


Support for Parents  - Mental Health  https://www.youngminds.org.uk/parent


Samaritans 24/7 support for those in Need https://www.samaritans.org/


Domestic Abuse support - Safe Steps  https://www.safesteps.org/


Mens Advice Line (Domestic Abuse) https://mensadviceline.org.uk/


Cruse Bereavement Advice  https://www.cruse.org.uk/


CEOP Child exploitation and online protection https://www.ceop.police.uk/Safety-Centre/


Free Counselling Service https://www.therapyforyou.co.uk/


The 2 Johns safety advice and training https://esafetytraining.org/?fbclid=IwAR2Iz1kyDD72HBYSA8XbTD709G-LF44M2PR1zKvWhGEKuIdF0AU22k2rs28


Southend - Welcome to the UK https://www.welcome2theuk.com/


Support for asylum seekers and refugees https://www.castsanctuary.com/






If you are struggling and need some support please see Sharon Pankhurst in reception for a referral.




Sharon Pankhurst is running a coffee morning every Wednesday Morning straight after drop off in the Cardboard classroom. Whether you need some support or advice for your child, internet access, help filling out forms, the use of a phone or just want a cup of tea and a chat  - please pop in and meet other parents and ask for any support you need.



Gaby in the front office is happy to sell you nearly new school uniform that has been donated.  Please pop in and let her know your needs.



You can contact Childline about anything.  Whatever your worry, it's better out than in.  We're here to support you.


Filtering and Monitoring

Filtering and monitoring systems are used in school to keep pupils safe when using the school’s IT system.

Filtering systems: block access to harmful sites and content.

Monitoring systems: identify when a user accesses or searches for certain types of harmful content on school and college devices (it doesn’t stop someone accessing it). Your school is then alerted to any concerning content so you can intervene and respond.

No filtering and monitoring system is 100% effective, so it is used alongside our existing safeguarding systems and procedures.



How do I deal with Online Bullying?

How do I set boundaries around online gaming?

Answers and helpful hints below.....

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