Welcome to Westborough
Thank you for choosing The Westborough School for your child starting school in September 2024.
Starting school is always a big moment and we think developing strong links between home, school and pre-school is the best way to ensure a positive experience for everybody.
The teachers are currently visiting the new children in their pre-schools and Nurseries to introduce themselves, have a chat and play and also talk to their key workers. We value this transition time as important for your child's well being and to ensure a smooth entry into school in September.
Another part of our transition ....
We are holding our open afternoon event on : date to follow.
You and your child will see the classrooms and garden and meet all of the Reception Early Years Team and have some time to explore, chat and play! Also, at this event we will be giving you a school information and welcome pack and a ‘Talking Transitions’ pack which has lots of goodies in to keep your child busy during the summer holidays before they start school.
If you are unable to attend the open afternoon, we will contact you by phone to offer you a time. You will also receive a Welcome Pack with various documents inside before your child starts in September.
We will also set you up with a Tapestry login before your child starts with us. Tapestry is used in the Early Years to share photos, videos and experiences of your child’s time in Reception. We will use Tapestry initially to give you some information about Reception and share some activities you may like to do with your child before they start school. Once we set you up on Tapestry you will receive an activation link from Tapestry. If your child already attends Westborough, we will use your original account.
Please get in touch if you need to know anything or ask any questions.
You can email me at tsmith@westborough.southend.sch.uk or use the 'Contact Us' link above and your query will be forwarded to me - but first, look at all the information we're providing here. You may find the answers to your questions.
Miss Smith, Early Years Lead
BELOW you will find information, photos and videos that provide an overview of our Early Years and how we work at Westborough.
Introducing our Early Years Staff
Take a look around the school.
Around the school