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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School



Welcome to Class 6S

Your class teacher is Ms Silcock.

Our teaching assistants Louise Grenham and Sarah Hadgraft will be working with us in the classroom.


 PE days  We have PE on Mondays and Wednesdays. Children should wear their PE kit to school on PE days. 

Welcome back. I hope you've all had a nice break and you're all excited to be back.

We had a lovely first half term: fabulous cooking, swimming, amazing writing of stories, newspaper articles and poetry about the Titanic, dissecting hearts, making sculptures,learning about the importance of our oceans, having fun with numbers and speaking increasingly good French. We have packed a lot in!

This half term promises to be just as enjoyable.

Our history topic focuses around the Second World War and our new class novel, Letters from the Lighthouse, is an excellent vessel for promoting some great writing around this topic.


We shall be covering fractions in maths,  'Light' is our topic in science and collage in art.  We'll be learning the vocabulary for the planets in French and considering key questions around what matters most to Christians and Humanists.


DON'T FORGET!  We have a cinema trip on 28th November!



Remember homework books on Fridays and to read (30 minutes/day). Practise times tables and do the spelling shed assignments as often as you need to.


Looking forward to great attendance and punctuality from you all!





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