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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Class 5P

Your class teacher is Ms Powell,


PE days are Monday and TuesdayRemember to come into school wearing your PE kit on these days.


Happy New Year to all the children and parents/carers - and thank you for the Christmas gifts!

We are looking forward to this half term.

Homework – Please support your children in completing their homework (usually maths and SPAG) as well as reading for a minimum of 20 minutes every night, TTR and Spelling Shed. 

Please remember to send children in with a small snack and a water bottle.  Also, appropriate clothing to match the weather.

We have lots of interesting topics to cover in Year 5.  This half term we will be covering the following: -



Fractions and Decimals



Please continue to support your children with learning/securing their times table knowledge through Times Table Rockstars.



Our class book will be Street Child by Berlie Doherty

Please continue to support your child by encouraging them to read for at least 20 minutes each day.  In Year 5, we would like children to write comments in their Reading Records to keep track of the books they have read, whether they would recommend them to a friend and if they enjoyed the text.


Writing - The Odyssey by Gillian Cross

Some Learning Intentions include:

  • To use noun phrases
  • To use direct speech
  • To describe settings
  • To portray a character through dialogue and adverbial phrases
  • To sequence and summarise the main events of a story
  • To plan, write, edit and publish an epic adventure story based on The Odyssey


Poetry – In the tree’s defence

Some Learning Intentions include:

  • To use prepositional phrases
  • To use expanded noun phrases
  • To use subordinate and relative clauses
  • To identify syllables and rhyme
  • To create imagery
  • To write, edit and publish a poem


Science Forces

  • To identify forces acting on objects.
  • To investigate the effects of friction.
  • To explore the effects of water resistance.
  • To investigate the effects of air resistance.
  • To explore and design mechanisms.
  • To explore and design mechanisms.


Topic -Lots of fun and interesting investigations around this topic.

Our topic is What the Dickens?

What the Dickens? is a theme that is focussed on learning about the Victorian era. Learning in this theme is focussed on History but also includes PSHE, Art and Design Technology. In What the Dickens? we look at key figures who lived during the Victorian period. These include Queen Victoria, Isambard Kingdom Brunel, William Morris and Dr Barnardo. Pupils will learn all about the Industrial Revolution and how the country changed during this time. They will learn about how the Victorians entertained themselves and where they went on holidays, how there was a difference between how the rich and poor were treated and how women finally obtained the vote.


French – As-tu un animal? (do you have a pet?)

  • vocabulary relating to common pets
  • using j’ai (I have) and the connective ‘et’ (and)
  • introduce the term ‘qui s’appelle’ (who is called)
  • learn the phrase je n’ai pas (I do not have)



Key question – What do people believe about the existence of God?

Please try to be in school on time every day.  Early morning work will be ready to start from  8:20am .


Please remember to bring a small, healthy snack into school (no nuts please!) and a drink (water only please) preferably in a named, reusable bottle.



Homework – TTR, Spelling Shed, Maths Shed.  Also, please remember children should be reading for at least 20 minutes a day, at home.



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