Welcome to Class 5HS
Your class teachers are Mrs Hammond and Mr Severwright
PE days are Mondays and Tuesdays Remember to come into school wearing your PE kit on these days.
Dear children, parents and carers,
Welcome back to school! We hope you had a lovely half term break.
This is a 7 week half term so there is lots of learning to be done!
- Multiply a unit fraction by an integer
- Multiply a non-unit fraction by an integer
- Multiply a mixed number by an integer
- Calculate a fraction of a quantity
- Find a fraction of an amount
- Find the whole when given a fraction
- Use fractions as operators
- Recognise and use decimals up to two decimal places
- Understand equivalent fractions and decimals (tenths)
- Understand equivalent fractions and decimals (hundredths)
- Identify and use equivalent fractions and decimals
- Express thousandths as fractions
- Express thousandths as decimals
- Represent thousandths on a place value chart
- Calculate the perimeter of rectangles
- Calculate the perimeter of rectilinear shapes
- Calculate the perimeter of polygons
- Find the area of rectangles
- Find the area of compound shapes
- Estimate area
Non-Chronological Report:
Retrieving Information: Learn to gather, record, and present information from non-fiction texts and ask questions to deepen understanding.
Sorting Information: Organise information into categories or groups.
Identifying Features: Recognise the key features of a non-chronological report.
Cohesion: Use adverbials and fronted adverbials to link ideas smoothly in writing.
Parenthesis: Add extra information using parentheses for clarification.
Planning and Structuring: Plan the layout and structure of a report effectively.
Introductory Sentences: Use clear introductory sentences to outline the purpose of paragraphs.
Editing: Review and edit for cohesion before publishing the report.
Persuasive Writing (Balanced Argument):
Modal Verbs and Adverbs: Use modal verbs or adverbs to show different degrees of possibility.
Articulating and Justifying Opinions: Be able to clearly explain and defend your answers, arguments, and opinions.
Identifying Features: Recognise the language and structural features of a balanced argument.
Planning and Organising: Plan and organise your balanced argument effectively.
Writing and Conclusion: Write a clear argument and conclude it appropriately.
Cohesion in Paragraphs: Organise writing into paragraphs to ensure cohesion.
Editing and Publishing: Edit and publish the balanced argument.
Reading - Holes - Louis Sachar
Independent reading
Fluency practice in pairs
Echo reading
Plot and character discussions through Oracy.
Writing based on texts focusing on explain, infer and summarise
Who were the Maya civilisation? When and where did they exist?
How did the Maya farm and trade?
How did the Maya settlers survive? Where there any similarities between the Maya period and Viking Britain?
What do Maya ruins tell us about Maya city states?
Are pictures of Frederick Catherwood a good source of information about the Maya?
Mosaic based on Mayan artwork
Collage using natural materials to create a natural setting
Using a wide range of visual and tactile materials to create a collage of an animal in its habitat.
Animals including humans
To explain what gestation periods are for different animals including humans
Human life cycle timeline
Stages of human development
To describe the changes as humans develop from fertilisation to birth.
To explain how babies grow and develop into children.
To describe and explain the main changes that occur during puberty
To identify the changes that take place in late adulthood
The Fresh Prince of BelAir
Warm up vocal games
Experience different songs from a similar genre
Learn to play a simple beat on various percussion instruments and the recorder
French - Les Romains (The Romans)
Lesson 1 – Romulus and Remus in French
Identify and understand cognates (words that are similar in English and French).
Reorder story parts to consolidate understanding.
Lesson 2 – Key Figures in Roman History
Develop listening skills to decipher and decode meaning.
Identify key words in spoken French.
Lesson 3 – Roman Gods and Goddesses
Learn the names of Roman gods and goddesses in French.
Understand the connection between gods and the days of the week.
Lesson 4 – Famous Roman Inventions
Learn about significant Roman inventions.
Consolidate knowledge through true and false questions.
Lesson 5 – Daily Life in Ancient Rome (Rich vs. Poor)
Compare the lives of rich and poor boys in Ancient Rome using French.
Introduce and apply the concept of the negative in French.
Living in the wider world
Money and work
Identifying job interests and aspirations; what influences career choices; workplace stereotypes
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Remember PE kits on PE days, water bottles in school and appropriate clothing for the weather.
Please remember to read for 20 minutes minimum each night, TTR and Spelling Shed. You can also quiz your books at home.
Any questions, please do not hesitate to see one of us at the end of the school day.
Year 5 Team x
Please try to be in school on time every day. Early morning work will be ready to start from 8:20am .
Remember to bring a small, healthy snack into school (no nuts please!) and a drink (water only please) preferably in a named, reusable bottle.
HOMEWORK TTR, Spelling Shed, Maths Shed. Also, please remember, children should be reading for at least 20 minutes a day, at home. |