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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School


Welcome to Class 4GF

Your class teachers are Mrs Govender and Mrs Fox


PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.  Children should wear their PE kit to school on PE days. 


We're going to be busy this term...  

 In English, we will be reading the book Flotsam by David Wiesner and a range of poems by Joshua Siegal. We will be using rhyme and rhythm as we start creating our own poetry, as well as writing a narrative piece and a non-chronological report about different animals.



In maths, we will be focusing on fractions, including equivalent fractions, adding fractions and understanding mixed numbers. We will also be learning about decimals and how they relate to fractions.
In science, we are learning about how sound is made and experimenting with how sound travels.
In geography, we are learning about where our food comes from, responsible food growth and the impact of fair trade for farmers.
In RE, we are looking at why Christians call the day Jesus died ‘Good Friday’?
In PSHE, we are looking at relationships and how to stay safe when being online.
Our DT and art focus for this term is the use of textiles, including how to sew and stitch materials, with the intention of making blankets.
In music, we are very lucky to have a professional music teacher to teach year 4 how to play the Ukulele. They will take the children on a journey around the world, showing music from different countries and regions, as well as teaching them the principles behind music.
As a reminder, the school day begins at 8:20am, with activities like maths, handwriting or reading for the children. This also gives children the chance to come in and settle before we begin formal learning promptly at 8:40am. We are looking forward to an exciting half term with year 4!


Please continue to encourage your child to do their weekly maths homework, read for at least 10 minutes every night, learn their weekly spellings and practise their times tables.


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