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South East Essex Academy Trust (SEEAT)

The Westborough School



Welcome to Class 1TS

Your class teachers are Miss Twydale and Mrs Stumpe.

We have PE on Monday and Friday.  Please ensure children wear their PE jits to school on PE days.


Welcome back! We are looking forwards to a busy half term with year 1 as we lead up to Christmas.



Whole class reading – This half term it is the children’s choice. We will be visiting the library so they can choose interesting books for us to share during story time. Children will also bring one library book home each week to read.
Writing - We will be reading a text by Alexis Deacon called Beegu and a text called The Odd Egg by Emily Cravett. We are working on orally rehearsing sentences before we write them, using clear handwriting, with correctly formed letters, finger spaces between words, starting sentences with a capital letter and ending with a full stop. We will also work on spelling words we don’t know using Fred talk for spelling which
we learn in phonics.

Phonics: Phonics now starts at 8.40 promptly. This is a vital lesson and it teaches the children the skills they need in order to read and write. Please ensure you are on time to school so your child does not miss this.

Maths – We are learning about addition using part and whole numbers, number bonds to ten, number sentences and adding more, subtraction by finding part of a number and how many are left, subtraction using a number line and also adding and subtracting 1 or 2 from different numbers.

Science – We are learning about humans which includes the different body parts and the five senses. We will explore these using different practical activities. We will also continue to learn about the weather, focusing on the change from Autumn to Winter.
PSHE - Developing our understanding of safe relationships, what it is to belong to a community and keeping safe in different environments. 

Art – Sculpture using different mediums such as playdough, clay, paper and foil. To help us to understand and to give us inspiration, we are going to look at the work of Keith Haring.
Music - All the learning is focused around two songs: Rhythm In The Way We Walk (Reggae style) and Banana Rap (Hip Hop style). Children will Listen & Appraise other styles of music and continue to embed the interrelated dimensions of music through games and singing.

Religious education – The Christian faith. This half term we will learn about the Christian holy book, holy places, holy symbols and then the Christmas story.

P.E - Activity – Throwing, running catching and jumping – Creatively Positive Mind Management -  Personal Best & Resilience


Reminder:  we start our day at 8:20 with fun early morning activities to settle into the school day. We would love to see as many of you here as possible at this time to have a great start to the school day. 


We are looking forward to helping your children to continue with their development this half term as well as all of the activities linked to Christmas.

Our PE days are Monday and Friday.

Many thanks.

Mrs Twydell and Mrs Stumpe

Thank you for supporting your child with their reading at home by hearing them read and sharing stories with them.   Please make sure your child brings their books to school every day so we can hear them read and change their books.




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